Easy way to change any word in wordpress by language file

Sometimes we need to change some word in plugins. But should no edit any core file of any plugins. Since plugin automatic update may come next minute and customization will goes out of the box.

In this post I’ll try to show you how we can change any words of a plugin using language file. Suppose we need to change all buddypress “group” to “class”. To make this I did the following steps:

Create a folder to /wp-content/languages/plugins/ then we need to add language file that we are going to edit. Here I’m working on english language file and change all group to class. So I open buddypress language file /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/buddypress.pot in poedit.net software and replace all destination text group to class.

Then I save this file to /wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder with two format:

I generated this two file using poedit software and I see it works great for me.

This way you can change any professional plugin or theme word can be updated without touching core code.

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