Find the Current Page Slug
While I was working on a WordPress template today, I needed to find the current page’s post_slug. After investigating the function is_single in wp-includes/query.php, I discovered the following method for determining the current page ID, post title, or post name: Read more
Magento vertical category menu with Four level subcategory nav in left side
Magento vertical category menu with the code adapted from this thread. It’s quite easy to implement and to make it even easier for others. * Add a new block type in “catalog.xml” file * Create a new phtml file and... Read more
Magento: How to create Module
To create a magento module visit this site Module Create Instruction To Create Data base in Magento Create Custom Database Read more
Web theme change after certain period of time by Java Script
We can change Change web theme by using Java script. Just the following java script code have to be include your file. Read more
Add sidebar , Sidebar registry, Add new sidebar in wordpres
Just Copy the wp default sidebar and rename with different like sidebar-new.php Open functions.php file add the extra code(bellow) in default function. and your final code will show like this For dynamic you have to change a little code from... Read more
How can I display wordpress post into another CMS
How can I display wordpress post to another site , that is not in wordpress platform? It is easy to display any part of wordpress content in another platfor site. For example i have do the following to display recent... Read more